Robert's Testimony
I grew up in a broken home and was exposed to all the sins of the world at an early age, including all sorts of abuse and neglect I shouldn't have. I learned not to rely on anyone but myself, and I never learned how to love anyone other than myself. I learned to distrust and even hate religion because of the people in my life at the time. I grew up and became successful according to the world; I have had successful careers in both the military and in Law Enforcement. To me, the more success I had, the better I was. But it was more than that, the more success I had, the more self-centered and selfish I became.
So, when I got married, I wasn't a very good husband or father, because I had no idea how to be a good one.
Then God began to work in my life even though I didn't see it at the time...
My journey to Christ really began in 2011 (even if it took years from this point) when I started riding with a new patrol partner, Jake. As a self proclaimed Atheist, I had many deep debates about God with my very openly Christian friend. He often told me that I was a Christian but didn't know it yet. I had no idea what that meant at the time.
In 2018, after several years of being a bad husband and father, my wife told me she had enough and that I needed to find religion or something bigger than myself, just Something. She was not a Christian but did believe in God, she just didn't know Him yet. I started to read different books she had on various religions and ended up buying and reading the Quran.
In the summer of 2019, after my wife's family had come to visit, one day they saw me reading the Quran and started to share their faith with me and even gifted me a Veteran's Bible. We had an open discussion, but my mind and heart were still hardened, so I still just asked questions. However, they never got upset and we had a civil conversation. I was enlightened.
By that December, my heart softened some, and we decided to attended a Christmas Eve service with friends who have invited us for years but we had never gone. The pastor that night said something that spoke to me that night, so much so my wife and I locked eyes in amazement at what he had said. From then, one more layer of resistance started to peel away from me.
After, my wife began openly discussing God and did her own research. She talked to friends, watched video and even convinced me to buy comparative Bibles because we never knew there was more that one version of the Bible. All the same, just different words for different persons to be able to understand. She started to often discuss revelations, visions and even dreams that she would have. I knew she knew of a spiritual world but I still did not. But I knew it grew in her more and more, but in a more positive way than in her past. I began to see a change in my wife, one that could only be attributed to the work that God was doing in her.
In 2020, after studying The Word myself and with several direct interventions from God, including seeing firsthand the work being done in my wife, I had a moment when I could no longer deny Him. Standing in my house that day, I began to really see that God had been working in my life all this time and had surrounded me with people who knew and loved God.
The Holy Spirit swept through my household, and every one of us accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior in a what seems an instant. The things my children said to us only grew our faith. They knew nothing yet knew Him more than we did it had seemed.
We were all baptized by Jake that May of 2020. As often happens in God’s perfect timing, I was sent away on military training shortly after that. This provided me the opportunity to dig deep into my new relationship with Jesus, and spend many hours reading His word. In the summer of 2021, I heard a booming voice my head and was told to own a campground and use it to spread the Gospel. I have never experienced anything supernatural before and was even passive to my wife's many stories she experienced throughout her years and even the moments I saw her experienced in front of me. But this was loud and real and could not be anything from the physical world. I now understood that there was something even more than me and what I could see and touch.
Since the day that, my family and I have been on God's amazing journey. He has used us to create this ministry, start Bible groups, minister to others, and loving people we don't know.
We have had many divine encounters with people that God has placed in our path. He has surrounded us by people who love Him and wants His will to be done.
We have also learned many lessons about following God’s path. When God gives you your purpose, you must pursue it and be obedient. When you are not on God’s path for your life, things become unsettled, chaotic, and difficult. When you try to force things, even if you are trying to carry out what you believe is God’s work, things become stressful and difficult. When you pray for God to close doors that are not part of His plan, He will. When you let God lead, you will have peace. But above all, Love God First.
Journey To Christ Ministry is a ministry that is called to serve all people in every phase of their spiritual journey to Christ. God gave me His purpose for my life and the ministry became official in April of 2023. We look forward to what all God has planned with this, as this is just the beginning...
Cherie's Testimony
In progress